Not only is Abrik providing a wage and important skills for life for our apprentices, Abrik is also providing our apprentices with a daily routine, treasured friendships and most importantly, a future. It really is “a trade, for good”.
Abrik featured in Master Builders Queensland Magazine – May 2021
“Youth on the yellow Abrik road to success” is the headline chosen by Master Builders Queensland Magazine in the double page spread of the May edition. That headline certainly rings true to the amazing team of Roofers and Plumbers at Abrik.
What is the Jonathan Thurston Academy and how it has helped ABRIK?
The Jonathan Thurston Academy is an organization run by the man himself who influences and inspires young individuals to engage in seeking employment, helping with their career goals and supporting each individual’s wellbeing by providing remarkable opportunities. The JT program empowers young individuals, allowing them to grow and learn new skills, knowledge and aspects of their careers, which motivates them …
World Plumbing Day 11th March : A time to act
Every year on the 11th of March we celebrate world plumbing day. It is a time to recognise the importance of plumbing in our day to day lives and also to bring awareness to those people who still live without proper sanitary systems. As someone who spent 20 years in Cambodia, Thailand and Laos, I have seen how primitive developing …
Welcome to Abrik’s new website
Welcome to the Abrik’s website which we launched in March 2021 to support the growth and direction of the business.
We’re excited about our website as a tool that businesses, organisations and community can stay engaged with and to keep up to date with our latest information, news and events, as well as using it as a tool to communicate and connect with us.
We worked with Ngakkan Nyaagu (NGNY), an Aboriginal owned digital agency, to deliver our website and look forward to continuing to support the Indigenous supply chain over the coming months and years.
Please let us know your thoughts and feedback on our website and we look forward to connecting with you throughout 2021 and beyond.